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ATA ['ætə] rzecz.
chem. amitrol; aminotriazol
technol. interfejs za naprednu tehnologiju
 Angielski tezaurus
ATA skr.
skr. amitrole; aminotriazole
skr., chem. aluminon
skr., hodowl. Animal Technicians' Association; America Tree Association
skr., logist. Admission Temporaire and Temporary Admission
skr., mot. air-to-air intercooled; anti-theft alarm; Automotive Transport Association
skr., wojsk. Army Transportation Association
ATAE skr.
skr., elektron. associated telephone answering exchanges
ata. skr.
skr., nauka o z. atmosphere absolute
ATAE skr.
skr., technol. advanced telecom application environment
ATa skr.
skr., gleb. aric anthrosol
Ata skr.
skr., nauka o z. ataxite
ATA skr.
praw. Asset Transfer Agreement ('More)
skr. air to air; air transport, auxiliary; American Taxicab Association; American Transit Association; Applied Technology Associates, Inc.; auxiliary transport aviation; A Tired American; Advanced Technology Architecture; Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam (Netherlands Franka_LV); Also Translated As; Arrival Times Approximate
skr., bizn. atmosphere, absolute; auxiliary ocean tug
skr., chem. aurintricarbonic acid
skr., eduk. application-theory-application (метод обучения Yanick)
skr., ekon. American Trucking Association,Inc.; Admission Temporaire (Seregaboss); Temporary Admission (Seregaboss)
skr., elektron. advanced technology attachment (card); advanced telemedicine application; antenna train angle; audit trail and alarm; automatic trouble analysis; azimuth torque amplifier
skr., hand. American Transport Association; ATA carnet
skr., hi-f. Automatic Tuner Activator
skr., kard. atrial tachy-arrhythmia (MichaelBurov); atrial tachyarrhythmia (MichaelBurov)
skr., komp. Advanced Technology AT Attachment (Vosoni)
skr., komp., technol. Analog Telephone Adaptor
skr., komun. Analog Telephony Adaptor (Olga_Lari)
skr., lotn. automatic terrain avoidance; Air Transport Association of America; airport traffic area; assembly terminal assignment; assigned time of arrival; automated target acquisition
skr., med. aurintricarboxylic acid; American Telemedicine Association; alimentary toxic aleukia (Игорь_2006); anterior tibial artery (harser); anti-therapeutic antibody (intern); antithyroglobulin antibodies; anti-toxoplasma antibodies; tetanus antitoxin
skr., medyc. absolute atmosphere
skr., mot. American Tracking Association
skr., nato. Atlantic Treaty Association
skr., organ., afgan. Afghan Transitional Authority
skr., polim. aurin-tricarbonic acid
skr., progr. AcceleraTed hub Architecture (ssn); advanced technology attachment (ssn); American Translators Association (ssn); AT attachment (ssn); accelerated hub architecture (AcceleraTed hub Architecture ssn)
skr., przestrz. asynchronous terminal adapter; automatic threat alert; automatic threshold adjust
skr., ropa / r. air-to-air (intercooled); American Trucking Association; Antarctica; antifouling agent; atmosphere absolute; accrued treasury assets
skr., sieć. AT attachment
skr., syst., technol. Advanced Technology Attachment
skr., szkoc.ang. Advanced Test Accelerator; Automatic Target Acquisition; Auxiliary Ocean Tug (USA)
skr., techn. air turbine alternator
skr., technol. Analog Telephone Adapter
skr., telef. analog terminal adapter (Dmitry)
skr., transp. Air Transport Association; American Trucking Associations
skr., wojsk. Army Technical Architecture; Airlift Tanker Association
skr., włók. appropriation transfer account
skr., znak. American Trans Air
techn., skr. ammonium triacetate; attention active; avionics test article; azimuth torquer amplifier
wojsk. actual time of arrival
wojsk., skr. additional training assembly; advanced tactical aircraft; air training advisor; air training area; air transport auxiliary; air-to-air; automatic track acquisition; automatic tracking antenna; auxiliary timer assembly; aviation training aids; Ocean Tug
: 4 do fraz, 3 tematyki
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